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Emily C : Sunlit Beauty : Rockwall High School TX Senior Photography

Emily is just gorgeous. She is radiant. She glows. It's not all physical, either. She just gives off this aura that some people have and some people don't. She doesn't say a lot, but she speaks volumes. Maybe it's because you can look into her eyes and get a feel of innocence and love. Maybe it's her soul sparkling out of her pores. I don't know, but I love her to pieces.We stumbled upon this super cute swing in the middle of this creek that was surrounded by still-green trees. The trees that had lost their leaves left them in a blanket of brown and rust. It was a lovely setting and perfect for Emily.

After she finished her swing session, she changed into this jaw-dropping black dress with these killer shoes that made her about 10 ft tall, 7 ft of which was all leg and the cutest red chunky necklace. Wowza!

So, after this hotness, we needed to cool down a bit. LOL She changed into the cutest set with these awesome rubber boots. We started in front of this huge magnolia tree with the most artistic looking root system. Then, it was time to play in the water!


  1. Love this senior session! All the details on that little black dress are awesome!

  2. Gorgeous girl! There's so many amazing images but I LOVE the reflection shots.

  3. Pretty blog ! Tack sharp photos ! Great job !

  4. You have posted great and beautiful pictures and i must say that you did fantastic camera work.I am amazed to see your work.

    senior pictures Seattle


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